Pike Super Homecoming 2021 is in the books and it was an absolute BLAST!
More than 100 Pikes attended the weekend events.
The Golf tournament was great fun, but especially cold for our thin-blooded brothers living in Texas, Arizona and other warn climes. (You know who you are, Mike Risk, Gene White...) The winning team was Brandon Maske, Sam Leahy, Mike Cowan and Matt Nims. Congrats Bros!
The Friday Evening Banquet at Ames Country Club was fabulous with tons of Pike stories retold and elaborated upon. Great food and drink, and even better company. The keynote speaker was past National Pi Kappa Alpha President Reverend Dr. Jerry Askew who gave a powerful and poignant recounting of his Pike experiences and what it means to be a Pike. One highlight of the evening: Brothers got to meet 40 new Pike recruits who attended!
Saturday morning, the House Corporation Meeting presented progress on recruiting new Pikes and bringing Alpha Phi back to ISU. Also exciting plans for a renovation and addition to 2112! The Brothers in attendance asked a lot of questions and the feedback after was overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic.
That brings us to the big game! The Pike Tailgate spot was great and well stocked with food and beverages, as well as a huge turnout of alumni - 119 Pikes! And the Cyclones? EPIC! The photos below tell the whole story.
Check out the great stories from Brothers Steve Sheedy, Gene White and John Frantz below the pics.

Pi Kappa Alpha/Alpha Phi Super Homecoming - As observed by me, Gene White.
Alpha Phi super homecoming started for me arriving in Ames and going straight to the Pike House... (Excerpt) I told a couple of coeds selling Tshirts in the student union that I was a part of a singing group that performed in the hall and won the WHOLE THING at Varieties in 1972. I said I was a Pike and they said hey, we heard the Pikes are coming back! That was SO GREAT to HEAR!! READ MORE>
Scott and Delores Harmes flew into St. Louis specifically to drive with me to Super Homecoming! Jeff Mueller flew in and met us in Ames to join the party weekend! We headed to Ames Country Club for our Pike dinner and cocktail hour. After an awkward hour of placing name tags with faces... READ MORE>
The Fabulous New Class of Alpha Phi Pikes. - John (Swede)Frantz I recently attended the 2021 Pike Super Homecoming. I got to meet 10 new Alpha Phi pledges. What a hoot! All of them were bright and full of energy about the Pike road ahead of them! They looked at me like I was 100 years old and and had Pike wisdom to share. So they said, tell us about your traditions. And, they wanted to hear it. READ MORE>